2020-6-15 After adding a little fresh sulfuric acid to the leachate for recycling used in leaching of new copper slag, valuable metals such as copper or zinc can be extracted by a conventional ion exchange or solvent extraction process until they are enriched in the leachate.
Read More2017-6-9 COPPER EXTRACTION FROM COPPER SMELTER SLAG WITH PYRITE OR FLOTATION TAILINGS FOLLOWED BY WATER LEACHING *** Abstract This work presents the study of copper extraction from smelter slag, which is subjected to sulphating. Sulphating of slag was performed by pyrite concentrate or flotation tailings at temperatures from 500 to
Read More2014-9-8 Abstract: Copper smelter slag and copper smelter slag flotation tailings were leached using sulphuric acid solutions, without or with the addition of either ferric sulphate or hydrogen peroxide. Copper extraction from the slag was typically found to be twice as high as that from the slag flotation tailings.
Read More2017-1-5 In the production of copper from sulfide ore, slag accumulates at the processing plant. In the present work, the phase transformations that occur in such s Experiments show that most of the iron present in such slag may be converted to metallic form by the gasification products of carbon in cupola furnaces at 1100°C.
Read MoreThe slag obtained during the extraction of copper from copper pyrites is composed of F eS iO3 F eO+ Acidic F luxS iO2 → SlagF eS iO3 Answer verified by Toppr
Read More2013-7-23 one of the main by-products of the metal extraction industry [2]. The average composition of primary copper slag corresponds to 30–40 % iron, 35-40% silica, less than 10 % of alumina and calcium oxide and copper content is around 1 %Cu, similar to the ore mined. Cleaning of the primary slag is often
Read MoreSlag obtained during the extraction of copper from copper pyrites is mainly composed of
Read More2015-7-1 Essentially, copper extraction occurs from copper earths, because oxygen (or protons on water) dissolved in the salt oxidizes any metallic compounds in the melt and the chloride in the salts break down any oxides thereby dissolving metallic copper and copper oxide found in ore or slag.
Read More2016-6-8 possible option. The copper slag contains a high content of silica and iron. The solution final pH is the most important factor affecting the removal of iron and silica from the leach solution and the overall metal recovery. Fe removal from the leaching of copper slag is done by the formation of
Read MoreCopper Smelting means that the concentrated ore is heated strongly with silicon dioxide (silica), calcium carbonate (CaCO 3) and air in a furnace. The major steps in the extraction of copper are Copper in Chalcopyrite is reduced to copper sulphide. Just like in Blast Furnaces, calcium carbonate
Read MoreThis work presents the study of copper extraction from smelter slag, which is subjected to sulphating. Sulphating of slag was performed by pyrite concentrate or flotation tailings at temperatures from 500 to 650°C, and the resulting calcine was leached with water. The results showed that maximum copper leaching (70-73%) is obtained from calcine, obtained by two - and three hour sulphating at ...
Read More2014-9-8 Copper extraction from the slag was typically found to be twice as high as that from the slag flotation tailings. Hydrogen peroxide was determined to be the best lixiviant. Thus, copper and iron extractions were 63.4% and 48.6%, respectively, when leaching the slag with 3 M H 2 O 2
Read More2021-1-28 Copper slag is a by-product created during the extraction of copper from copper ore. Copper slag has also gained popularity in the building industry for use as a fill material. Unlike many other fill materials, it poses relatively little threat to the environment.
Read MoreProcessing of copper converter slag for metal reclamation. Part I: Extraction and recovery of copper and cobalt. Deng T(1), Ling Y. Author information: (1)Institute of Process Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, PR China. dengt111@163 Clean processing of copper converter slag to reclaim cobalt and copper could be a challenge.
Read MoreSlag obtained during the extraction of copper from copper pyrites is mainly composed of (A) Cu2S (B) FeSiO3 (C) CuSiO3 (D) SiO2. Check Answer and Solu
Read More2013-7-23 copper, gold, nickel, cobalt and PGM’s [10, 11]. 3. Non Ferrous slags 3.1 Physico chemical antecedents Figure 2 explains the behaviour of the FeO-Fe 2 O 3-SiO 2 ternary system, which best represents acid slag associated to copper extraction. It is possible to appreciate a liquid region inside these components,
Read More2004-1-18 higher absorption capacity than air-cooled copper slag. The granulated copper slag is made up of regularly shaped angular particles, mostly between 4.75 and 0.075 mm3. Slags produced during pyrometallurgical processes have been traditionally considered as a waste3. In the case of copper extraction processes, it has been estimated that for every ...
Read MoreThe slag obtained during the extraction of copper from copper pyrites is composed of_____.
Read More2015-11-11 Dissolution of copper and iron from the calcine was found to be very fast and was complete within the first few minutes. The water temperature in the leaching step was found to have no effect on extraction of copper and iron from the calcine in the range of 30 to 85 oC. Keywords: copper, slag, sulphation, roasting, acid baking, leaching
Read MoreThe lower end of blast furnace has two openings for slag and copper matte. Fig: Blast Furnace for extraction of copper. Bassemerisation The molten matte is mixed with little silica and charged into a Bessemer converter. Lined internally by basic lining of CaO or MgO. Hot air is blown into the mixture which converts remaining FeS. To FeSiO 3.
Read More2021-1-28 Copper slag is a by-product created during the extraction of copper from copper ore. Copper slag has also gained popularity in the building industry for use as a fill material. Unlike many other fill materials, it poses relatively little threat to the environment.
Read More2013-7-23 copper, gold, nickel, cobalt and PGM’s [10, 11]. 3. Non Ferrous slags 3.1 Physico chemical antecedents Figure 2 explains the behaviour of the FeO-Fe 2 O 3-SiO 2 ternary system, which best represents acid slag associated to copper extraction. It is possible to appreciate a liquid region inside these components,
Read More2020-2-10 In this paper, copper slag was treated by this process. Under the premise of fully studying the influence of various factors on copper dissolution, the selective leaching behavior and kinetics of copper oxy-pressure acid system in copper slag were expounded.
Read MoreThe major steps in the extraction of copper are. Copper in Chalcopyrite is reduced to copper sulphide. Just like in Blast Furnaces, calcium carbonate is added as a flux to create the slag. Iron in Chalcopyrite is removed as iron silicate slag. Most of the sulphur in Chalcopyrite turns into Sulphur dioxide (SO 2).
Read More2009-12-10 During pyrometallurgical copper extraction, smelting is the subsequent operation to the oxidation roasting of the concentrates. In modern pyrometallurgical processes for copper extraction, both operations are facilitated in the same unit, resulting with development of the two main phases: silicate slag and the copper matte.
Read More2007-10-1 Curing the slag with strong sulphuric acid, without re-smelting or roasting as practiced currently in the industry, render it accessible to leaching, and more than 95% of cobalt and up to 90% of copper was extracted together with iron by water leaching, leaving silica behind in a residue.
Read More2015-11-11 Dissolution of copper and iron from the calcine was found to be very fast and was complete within the first few minutes. The water temperature in the leaching step was found to have no effect on extraction of copper and iron from the calcine in the range of 30 to 85 oC. Keywords: copper, slag, sulphation, roasting, acid baking, leaching
Read More2016-6-8 possible option. The copper slag contains a high content of silica and iron. The solution final pH is the most important factor affecting the removal of iron and silica from the leach solution and the overall metal recovery. Fe removal from the leaching of copper slag is done by the formation of
Read More2021-5-3 Currently, the most common source of copper ore is the mineral chalcopyrite (CuFeS 2), which accounts for about 50% of copper production.The focus of this article is on the process of copper extraction from chalcopyrite ore into pure metal. Processes for other minerals are mentioned. For economic and environmental reasons, many of the byproducts of extraction are reclaimed.
Read More2021-5-10 gangue + flux -----> Slag Bessemerisation in extraction of copper. The molten matte (CU 2 S + FeS) is transferred to a Bessemer converter, a pear shaped vessel lined with MgO or SiO 2 and heated by hot air blown through tuyers and mounted in such a way that it can be filled in any direction. It is mixed with some silica as flux and heated by ...
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